Motsepe, CECAFA mourn Tanzania’s President Magufuli



Newly elected President of the Confederation of African Football (CAF), Dr. Patrice Mostepe and the Council of East and Central African Football Associations (CECAFA) are mourning Tanzanian President Dr. John Pombe Magufuli.


Magufuli died on March 17th in a hospital in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania as a result of heart complications.


“Our deepest condolences to our brothers and sisters in the Tanzania Football Federation and the people of Tanzania on the passing of our dear President Pombe Magufuli. May God comfort and strengthen you during these painful and difficult times,” wrote Dr. Motsepe who was elected unopposed as CAF President on March 12th in Rabat, Morocco during the General Assembly.


CECAFA under the leadership of Wallace Karia as the President also sent in a condolence message. “The CECAFA Exco and CECAFA Membership, would like to extend their sincere condolences to the Football fraternity and the entire Nation of Tanzania on the untimely death of Dr. John Pombe Magufuli, the President of the Republic of Tanzania.


We extend our deepest sympathies to Tanzania Football Federation and the people of Tanzanian in general, and offer our thoughts, prayers and well-wishes during this difficult time,” said the message signed by the CECAFA Executive Director Auka Gacheo.


The message also pointed out the region has lost a steadfast and committed leader. “We in the Football fraternity mourn a leader dedicated to the sanctity and growth of Sports in general, and Football in particular,” added the message.

Dr. Magufuli will be buried on Thursday after a funeral mass at the Chato Catholic Church in the Kagera region of the country.


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